The " MWG Theater" for December is "Master Your Bandsaw" Marc Duginske shows you how to precisely tune and accurately use your bandsaw to achieve optimum performance.
Speaker: Al Eicher
Mark Duginske shows how to achieve zero-frustration, complete-control woodworking with machines.
Jim Kudej will demonstrate Shaker Box Making.
Marc Adams Joinery illustrates the basic ways of joining wood, selecting a joint and what joints to use.
In "Router Joinery" Gary Rogowski shows how routers can be used to cut a wide variety of joints quickly and accurately. He demonstrates how to set up both hand-held and table-mounted routers for joinery operations.
Ragnar Bergethon will demonstrate how to make band saw boxes and passive amplifiers.
"Cabinets" Mark Adams - Cabinet Making takes you through the design and layout of both kitchen and furniture cabinets as well as the build process
-Sharpening Work Stations -Sharpening Carving Tools presented by Ed Stuckey -Water Stones presented by Ed Thomas -Join Tec Jig presented by Clay buldoc
AN INVITATION TO THE YANKEE AIR MUSEUM AT WILLOW RUN Spend a day at the Yankee Air Museum and enjoy a guided tour of the museum at 11:30 a.m. followed by a 45 minute historic film of Willow Run at about 12:30 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the gift shop entrance. (North side of […]
Swap Meet Noon to 1:00pm and Members bring dish to be shared.
Bob Flexner demonstrates straightforward techniques you can use to achieve professional results in reparing furniture..
Lee Calkins will demonstrate the process, tooling and production of a solid body electric guitar. .
Don Bollinger shows how to get professional results when finishing a hard wood floors.
Various Jigs & Fixtures presented by Guild Members
Presented by Tim Puro
Jeff Miller demystifies the art of chair making. He shows how to build three chair styles: framed, post and rung and chairs with plank seats.
Short synopsis: To provide an overview of the primary joinery types used in furniture and small box construction for strength and beauty. The program will also provide samples of the different joinery types and methods for making the joints both with hand tools and with power tools
"Measuring Furniture for reproduction" Phil Lowe shows you how to take measurements of an existing piece, create a set of plans, and then reproduce the piece in your workshop.
Speaker: Various members
"Furniture Making Techniques" Part 1 by Marc Adams, Marc will take you through furniture making techniques and show different ways of making furniture. He will discusses simple ways to design furniture and the process of woodworking.
Speaker: Members will discuss the pros and cons of Jigs/Tools that they have made or purchased. Jigs and Tools - member presentations: 1. Fred Ball homemade drum sander 2. Dave McCagg project fixture 3. Steve Vaerten marquetry tools 4. Dan Holowicki table top mini bench 5. Rich Herbert inlay jigs and tools 6. Bill Rigstad […]
CANCELLED Speaker: Various members
Speaker: Rockler
Speaker: Tom McLaughlin- Nationally famous furniture craftsman. Read about Tom in the June Newsletter, and visit his website: Project: Walnut writing table with curly maple floating top (photo above). Tom will demonstrate design, drawing, patterns, joinery, shaping, detailing and assembly. MWG Members will receive a private Email with details on how to access the […]
Swap Meet Noon to 1:00pm and Members bring dish to be shared.
Speaker:Will Stanford
Speakers: Bob Behnke -Professional Titebond Rep
Tom McLaughlin Live Video Seminar 1/2 day
Speaker: Bob Behnke - Professional Titebond Rep
Speaker: Jerry Romito The presentation will feature a collection of 15 short YouTube videos from 10 different woodworking experts. The topics will be of interest to all members, ranging from beginner to advanced.
Speaker: Mary May
Speaker: (Berg) Ragnar Bergethon
Covid masks are required, and there will be social distancing. PLEASE NOTE: We need a head count of those attending, so please reply to the invite email if you plan to attend.
Annual MWG Picnic - Aug. 15th ,2021 Where: Royal Oak VFW Park Bring a dish to Pass, Guild to supply chicken, hotdogs, pop, water, horseshoes
Presenter: Bill Pentz The effects of airborne dust are serious, and in his power point Bill will show us the problems and solutions that we should consider. Learn more than you can imagine about Dust Collection at our October Virtual meeting. Renowned Dust Collection expert, Bill Pentz, will give us all the ins and outs […]
Presenter: Colin Knecht Topic: Selecting 5 Favorite Tools - Expensive vs. Budget (~ 1 hour) MWG members will show their favorite tools.
Join us for a brunch with some of the members to discuss woodworking problems or anything else that comes up. Please note the change in meeting time. Meeting at Georges Coney Island , Northville
Join us for brunch with some of the members to discuss woodworking problems or anything else that might come up. The meeting is at Georges Coney Island, Northville. See the map for specific directions.
This is a can't miss event. Dave McCagg will show how Ken Wolf's jig for painting toy bodies was transformed into a 3D parametric solid and subsequent detailed drawings. Also Dave will discuss how the 3D model can be printed on a 3D printer. Due to Covid transmissions this will be a Zoom meeting.
This is always a favorite as members showcase some of their creations. These will be shown in a power point with the presenters describing the build process, special features, and techniques used. They might also share the source of inspiration for their work.
Dan Holowicki and Larry Last will present their variations on the traditional 6-panel chest. Don will show us his version of The Anarchist's Tool Chest from a design by Chris Schwarz. Larry will show how he copied his barn-builder grandfather's tool chest, as well as a child's toy chest. Also Jerry Romito will discuss his […]
Vince Hellmann and Mike Foydel of the Detroit Area Wood Turners will give a presentation on woodturning and their experience making art using the wood lathe. Their collective work is very impressive! This is an impressive presentation; don't miss this one which will be a Zoom meeting.
Is your pipe organ in need of repair? Member Dave Wigton, a professional pipe organ restorer, restores pipe organs of all sizes all over the USA and will be joining us to discuss what it takes to keep them in good working order. Dave, will give an overview of the mechanics and physics of pipe […]
What kid doesn't want to fly an airplane, let alone a fighter jet? Selfridge has 3 simulators (non-functional) that you can sit in and dream. Also they have cutaway jet engines, a Merlin engine, a Warthog Gatling gun and other large machine guns. In the compound outside there are about 30 airplanes, some of which […]
This is our annual picnic at the VFW park in Royal Oak. Bring a dish to pass the club will provide soft drinks and chicken. Also there are door prizes and a swap meet. So bring some tools or wood or anything else you would like to find a good home for or to sell. […]
This is our popular jigs and fixtures meeting, These fixtures are either purchased or shop made and the pros and cons of each are discussed. There is always a good variety of jigs and fixtures. The actual time is 2pm but come early if you want to help us set up the chairs and socialize. […]
Ed Stuckey will demonstrate construction details, including types of wood, veneers, banding, and stringing, on a pair of recently-built Thomas Seymour Ladies' Work Tables (1810-1820). As described by scholars, these tables were objects of visual pleasure and an expression of women's leisure and refined needlework skills. This meeting is scheduled at the Livonia Community Center […]
Long-time Guild member Steve Lash will present details of 3 of his period furniture reproduction pieces: 1. A Baltimore brickwork stack laminate cellarette made of mahogany with amboyna and satinwood veneers. A cellarette is a small cabinet designed to hold bottles of wine or spirits. 2. A late 18th-century ebonized pearwood mantle clock to contain […]
Our speaker for Sunday's January 8 meeting, Dan Reahard, just informed us that he is ill and will not be able to attend the meeting. We wish him a speedy recovery. However, the meeting will take place as scheduled - with a new group of presentations. - Ken Wolf will demonstrate the resin impregnation process. […]
Jammey Lewis of Rockler in Novi will show us the capabilities of the CNC Router. Learn to make 3D wood carvings, laser engravings, and carved plastics using VCarve Pro software - the industry standard on a CNC machine. Jammey will show us how to set up files to make basic shapes and text, how to […]
This is our annual all day seminar this year with Mike Belzowski Mike will demonstrate multiple ways to bend wood including lamination and tapered laminations, steam bending, kerf bending and vacuum forming techniques. Mike also will present veneering basics and beyond including vacuum press gluing strategies, parquetry basics and scroll saw bevel techniques. How to […]
Larry Buettner has been making beautiful bowls for many years using a band saw and sanding instead of a lathe, and to look at them you cannot tell the difference. He will explain his process by showing sample glue-ups and segments, along with showing a variety of finished bowls. He may also share some tales […]
The presenters are; Pete Godard, Vince Choraszewski and Neal Hoegemeyer . They will present a cross reference of how to use moderate, medium and professional machines When the band saw cannot make tight curves or perform fretwork, reach for the scroll saw. Our team of accomplished scroll sawers will explain how to select the best […]
This is our annual guild field trip. It will be interesting to see the Henry Ford High school wood shop. The tour will be hosted by shop teacher Chris Davis. This shop has become world famous for building custom paddle boards for high profile people, including CEO's, business owners, and celebrities such as Richard Branson, […]
What: Annual MWG Picnic for members, family, and friends. Where: VFW Park in Royal Oak (at Lincoln and Campbell). Covered shelter. When: Sunday August 13, 2023, Noon - 4:00 pm Info: Swap meet Noon - 1:00 pm. Bring some tools or wood or anything else that you would like to sell or give away. Bring […]
Our next monthly meeting is the annual Showcase of Skills meeting on Sunday September 10, at 1:00 pm at the Livonia Senior Center. This is often regarded as our most interesting meeting, where members, from beginners to experts, have the opportunity to present their projects for all to see. So please plan ahead for what […]
Dan Reahard will demonstrate how to hand carve.
This is our annual election time Also various members will show their jigs and fixtures that will definitely improve our woodworking. Also this is the meeting where we all bring our hand made toys for the Detroit Children's Hospital. There are prizes for various categories. This is a very interesting meeting and the last one […]
Larry Last and Ron Ross will present various ways to make and embellish boxes. The focus on these boxes will be the various designs and method for making boxes for the children's Hospital Donation program. This is our most requested presentation in a recent survey so this will be a great one to attend.
Jeff Covey of Festool will discuss the Festool products and give demonstrations. Festool products are high end, high performance hand power tools. This will be a good chance to see how the very best tools perform. I look forward to this show. This meeting will end a bit early so as not to interfere with […]
Berg will demonstrate the design and manufacturing of nesting chairs. This will be very useful for Easter when you have extra visitors for the special dinner.
Representatives from Rockler Novi Store will be presenting Rockler designed tools geared toward making our woodworking projects easier to make. Jammie, who did our presentation on CNC tooling, and LJ, the store manager, will be present to answer any questions you may have. In the past year, the Rockler company has designed or redesigned between […]
Every year the guild has a top level woodworker to give us an all day presentation. This year it is Tom McLaughlin who some of us have seen on TV. Tom McLaughlin will present The Art of Chairmaking. If you've yet to experience his teaching style, you are in for a treat as he clearly […]
This will be a zoom meeting on our screen at Livonia Senior center. Gary Rogowski is a furniture maker, author, and teacher. His books include The Complete Illustrated Guide to Joinery, Taunton Press, and Handmade: Creative Focus in the Age of Distraction, Linden Press. He says "Now there are many woodworkers who claim that they […]
This years annual field trip is special. It is a tour of Henry Ford's house called Fairlane. I has been closed since 2010 under going renovations. We will have a 2 hour tour guided by Tamsen Brown. A bit of history about Fair Lane. The 31,000 square foot, 56 room house was built between 1913 […]
Be sure to mark your calendar for the the Annual picnic, August 11, starting at noon. It is at the VFW Park in Royal Oak It starts with a swap meet from noon to 1PM where you can bring items to be traded and useful treasures to returned to your shop. Lunch is from 1PM […]
This is always a great show. Many people bring in items that they have worked on or if it's too big pictures of the creation. We all can learn from this. The people who is exhibiting the items are the ones showing it and they are only too happy to tell you how they made […]
Brian Osterander General Manger at Woodcraft in Canton will update us on Sanding technology and technics. Many of us are in a rut on sanding before finishing, sanding between coats and rubbing out a finish. Brian will help lead us out of the 70's and introduce us to more efficient ways of getting the job […]
This month is our Jigs and fixtures meeting and also our election of officers and directors. More on this will be sent out by Jerry Romito our president. On the jigs and fixture please bring a fixture that you have found useful or one that does not live up to expectations. This is a great […]
This will be an interesting meeting where Cliff Durand discusses and demonstrates old hand tools. I am looking forward to this since I use both power and hand tools for my projects
A representative from Rockler will inform us of the new products at Rockler. Woodworking is always advancing so it will be interesting to see the new tools, jigs and technics that will help us improve our wood working.